A cocktail made by mixing or infusing liquor with some sort of meat product.
File this bit of food jargon under "not for the faint of heart." Recently, Chow, the NY Times, and the Washington Post have all served-up articles featuring meat-based cocktails. In the nascent world of carnivore cocktails, mixology techniques seem to range wildly, from the easily digestible (bacon-garnished Bloody Mary) to the slightly queasy (pork-rind rimmed Margarita) to the gag reflex inducing (the Beefytini, featuring beef-jerky-infused vodka). Pass the Tums!
A Google search also revealed recipes from a cadre of self-styled shocktologists. The grandfather of them all, the Weeniecello, is created by soaking Hebrew National hot dogs in 100-proof vodka for five weeks.
Those interested in the shocktail's historical roots can check out an updated version of Lamb Liquor, an ancient Mongolian libation, at archaeology.org.
Recipe Links:
Andrew Fenton's Weeniecello
Josh Karpf: In Search of the Perfect Pork Martini
liquorsnob.com's Bacon Martini
archaeology.org's Lamb Liquor (scroll down page to Mongolian recipes)